SVA Construction Corp Design Build Congratulates Regan Zambri Long
SVA Construction Corp Design Build Congratulates Regan Zambri Long
SVA Construction Corp Design Build congratulates the law firm of Regan Zambri Long on their recent $6.4 million victory over Walmart in Montgomery County, MD. SVA Construction Corp was appreciative of the opportunity to contribute as an expert witness helping to win almost $1million for the client for home modifications that provide wheelchair accessibility.
Russ SVA Construction Corp, Founder of SVA Construction Corp Design Build, has vast experience performing home accessibility expert witness work for attorneys and their clients dealing with personal injury claims. Russ is called upon regularly by some of the most prestigious law firms in the area. He can help prove costs to modify a home for someone who is wheelchair bound as a result of an injury, as well as serve as an expert witness for wheelchair accessible home assessments, modifications, conversions, and home redesigns potentially adding hundreds of thousands of dollars to expert witness cost reports. Russ can also assist with case reviews and depositions, ensure proper valuations and provide courtroom testimony for attorney’s clients, as he did in the Walmart case with Regan Zambri Long.
“Not only did Russ SVA Construction Corp help us in winning almost $1,000,000 for accessible home modifications but his impact was felt on the entire case,” said President and Senior Partner, Patrick M. Regan. “He was certainly a tremendous asset to have on our side not only on this case, but others as well.”